The Asker and Bærum Fire and Rescue Service (ABBR) is an operative fire prevention, response and rescue service. ABBR is responsible for an area that covers 569 square kilometers with approximately 221 000 inhabitants.
Fire prevention in 37 different languages (Norsk brannvernforening)
ABBR was established in 2020 by combining the Asker and Bærum Fire Department with the Fire Services in Røyken and Hurum. ABBV is run as an intermunicipal cooperation (IMC). Its main administrative headquarter is located at the Asker Fire Station. The fire stations at Røyken and Tofte in Asker are also a part of our municipal fire and rescue service, along with three stations in Bærum: Bekkestua, Fornebu and Gjettum.
ABBR will compile a new vision for the new Fire and Rescue Services during the year 2020, based on our common values, area of responsibililty and goals for our work within emergency and prevention.
Asker and Bærum Fire and Rescue Services IMC is run by a committee of representatives and the administrative board. Daily operations are managed by the fire chief. The fire chief is responsible for daily operations. The management group consists of the heads of our five departments: fire prevention, rescue, administration and marketing.
There are approximately 170 employees at ABBV organized in four departments (prevention, rescue, administration and marketing), as well as supplementary services and staff that attend to vehicles, materiel and buildings, among other tasks.
Fire alarm services
ABBR also operates an automated residential fire alarm service designed for both single and multi-owner buildings (joint tenancy, condominiums, apartment buildings etc.). We have a very large client base in Asker and Bærum.
If you would like more information about our fire alarm service, feel free to contact us:
Tel.: 66 76 42 75 (8:00-15:30) E-mail: